Potato potato chips and all types of vegetable potato chips in all their varieties impress with their appetizing appearance. In the food industry, color is an important quality indicator, as it allows conclusions to be drawn about roasting, seasoning and freshness. Precise colour measurement helps to minimize waste and ensure consistent product quality.
However, the irregular surface of the chips poses a challenge for conventional colorimeters. Chips often lie on top of each other, cast shadows and vary in their structure. The measurement becomes even more complex when measuring vegetable chips with different color palettes.
HunterLab has developed the Aeros spectrophotometer a solution that is particularly suitable for inhomogeneous samples such as snack food. Instead of measuring small samples as usual, the Aeros scans a larger area. The sample plate rotates under the sensor so that 35 measurements are taken within five seconds and a reliable average value is determined.
However, even this method is not always sufficient for chips, as their surface varies greatly. To solve this problem, HunterLab has developed a three-part compression set. 150 g of chips are filled into a sample plate and then compressed to half their volume using a compression tray. This reduces the number of “holes” while maintaining the natural appearance.
After preparation, measurements are taken with the Aeros spectrophotometer, which delivers precise and repeatable color values in seconds. This method has proven itself in the food industry and enables a reliable assessment of chip quality. Find out more about the unique Aeros spectrophotometer here.