Colour measurement of solid vegetable fat

Margarine and solid fatsThe task: The consistency of margarine and other vegetable fats does not allow them to be simply placed directly on the port for colour measurement, as their consistency is not 100% solid, but rather pasty or spreadable. For this reason, it is sometimes laboriously spread into sample cups for colour measurement, which have to be laboriously cleaned again after the measurement. This type of sample handling is complicated, time-consuming and easy to avoid with the new ColorFlex L2.

The solution

To measure the colour of a margarine block, HunterLab recommends either placing a pre-cut transparent carrier film on the aperture of the spectrophotometer or using a Petri dish.

Colour measurement of vegetable fat or margarine with the HunterLab CFL2The measurement is very simple:

  • Place the foil on the margarine and place the margarine with the foil side on the measuring aperture
  • Or place the margarine in a Petri dish on the port
  • Trigger measurement at the touch of a button
  • Read off values

The ColorFlex L2

  • The 45°/0° measuring geometry with circumferential illumination measures colour the way your eye sees it
  • Small and compact, the ColorFlex L2 requires very little space in the laboratory
  • The absolutely intuitive operation is easy for every employee to use
  • The integrated software shows all relevant views for evaluating and analyzing the measured values
  • A connection to a printer, monitor or existing LIMS/SPC systems can be easily established via suitable interfaces

The HunterLab Europe blog

All about colour measurement

Measuring the color of nuts

Measuring the color of nuts

For snack food, it is important to ensure that the instrument has a large observation area, as this allows the sample to be easily placed under the sensor in different sized sample plates or in a Petri dish.
Read more

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